Redecouvrir le paysage local

Journées de l’observatoire du paysage de Catalogne, 26 et 27 Septembre 2013 à Olot (Gerona)

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The local world is increasingly viewing the landscape as an engine for its development and a way to boost the level of citizens’ self-esteem, identity and quality of life. The importance of the local world in managing the landscape is precisely one of the pillars of the Landscape’s new roadmap, “Catpaisatge2020: Country, Landscape, Future”. Today, we are facing a paradigm shift that requires new forms of local governance and forces us to reflect on the relevance and validity of some instruments and strategies upon which landscape policies on this scale have been based.

This is the context in which new initiatives led by local authorities or civil society have arisen, initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to landscape quality. Thus, the aim of this seminar is to learn more about and share some of the most interesting experiences in the field of landscape on the local scale in Catalonia and in Europe.